Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

Appointment cancellation policy

We understand that unplanned issues can come up and you may need to cancel an appointment. If that happens, we respectfully ask for scheduled appointments to be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance. Our therapists want to be available for your needs and the needs of all our clients. When a client does not show up for an appointment, another client loses an opportunity to be seen. Although we have always had a cancellation policy, circumstances have caused us to enforce a policy of charging for no-show appointment within 24 hours. As of October 1 st 2022 there will be a 50% fee applied to all accounts if we do not receive a call to cancel an appointment.

Late Cancellations

We understand that emergencies happen. If you need to cancel your appointment we simply ask that you notify us of any cancellations or rescheduling at least 24 hours prior to the appointment. If the booking was made on the same day, notify us at least 3 hours prior. Cancellations that break these rules will cause 50% added to your next appointment.


In the case of missing your appointment you will be imposed a fine of 50% of the missed service which will be added to your next appointment. Booking your next appointment will require paying an unreturnable 50% deposit. Two or more missed appointments equals being banned from the salon.

Health history

For your comfort and safety, please notify our specialists if you have any allergies, any physical issues or disabilities or if you are pregnant. If you experience discomfort or any other symptoms during the treatment, please inform your therapist immediately.

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